Half a year of AB Akola Group


The consolidated revenue for the half year period of the financial year 2024/2025 of AB Akola Group and its controlled companies (the Group) exceeded EUR 790 million and was 4% higher than in the corresponding period of the previous year.


Net profit grew by more than a third

The Group sold 1,634 thousand tons of various products, an increase of 11% compared to the same period last year.

Consolidated earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) for the half year amounted to EUR 48 million, 14% higher than in the previous year. Net profit increased by 35% to EUR 23 million.

compared with
2023/2024, %
Total trading volume, tons 1,467,849 1,634,446 11.3
Revenue, thousand EUR 759,122 790,452 4.1
Gross profit, thousand EUR 81,849 86,831 6.1
EBITDA, thousand EUR 42,169 48,209 14.3
Operating profit, thousand EUR 28,479 33,140 16.4
Net profit, thousand EUR 17,026 22,950 34.8

The consolidated revenue of Akola Group for the second quarter of FY 2024/2025 amounted to EUR 406 million, an increase of 20% compared to the previous year (EUR 338 million). Gross profit for the Q2 increased from EUR 30.7 million to EUR 42.4 million and operating profit from EUR 3.7 million to EUR 14.3 million. Net profit amounted to EUR 10.2 million, compared to EUR 0.5 million loss in the corresponding period of the previous year.

Mažvydas Šileika, Chief Financial Officer of Akola Group

The ‘Partners for Farmers’ segment generated more than EUR 585 million, accounting for 74% of the Group’s total revenue for the reporting period. The segment’s gross profit was EUR 42.3 million, and operating profit was EUR 12.4 million.

M. Šileika

The production of compound feed and premixtures was 10% higher than last year. Sales of these products increased by almost 16% compared to the previous year. M. Šileika said sales were as high as the Group’s production capacity, but the average selling price was 10% lower than the previous year. Raw materials and feed additives traded quantities were 11% less, or 251 thousand tons, but at slightly higher prices. Total sales of compound feed, feed raw materials, and premixtures fell by 2% to EUR 200 million and gross profit by 8% to EUR 10 million.

The Group’s revenue from certified seeds, fertilizers, and plant protection products grew by 14% to EUR 139 million, while gross profit from these activities increased by 2.6% to EUR 14 million.

M. Šileika

The agricultural machinery, equipment, and services market continued to shrink in all Baltic countries, driven by low farm-gate prices and increased borrowing costs. The Group’s revenue from sales, rentals, and various services of agricultural and farm machinery and equipment contracted by 11% to EUR 45 million, while gross profit from these activities fell by almost 22% to EUR 6.7 million.

M. Šileika

The ‘Food Production’ segment’s revenue, which accounted for 27% of the Group’s total revenue, was close to EUR 216 million. The gross profit of this business was EUR 39.8 million, and the operating profit was EUR 19.4 million.

M. Šileika

The production of flour and baking mixes remained almost at the same level, but consumption within the Group is increasing, with about 38% of the consumption used for higher value-added products and 13% less sold. Production of breadcrumbs grew by 11%, while sales volumes increased by 8%. This product group generated 16% lower revenue from transactions with external customers (EUR 11 million), but its gross profit grew by 4.5% to EUR 2.4 million.

The production of instant and ready-to-eat products fell by 4.5% but sales volume increased by 19.5%. Revenue from this activity grew by 8% to EUR 46 million, while gross profit decreased by 9% to EUR 6.9 million.

M. Šileika

The ‘Farming’ segment’s revenue, representing 3% of the Group’s total revenue, was close to EUR 27 million. The gross profit from this activity was EUR 2.6 million, and the operating profit was EUR 1.1 million.

M. Šileika

The ‘Other Products and Services’ segment accounted for 1% of the Group’s revenue and amounted to almost EUR 10 million. The gross profit from this activity was EUR 2.1 million, and the operating profit was EUR 0.25 million.

M. Šileika

AB Akola Group owns the largest agricultural and food production group in the Baltics, employing over 5 thousand people. The group operates along the entire food production chain from field to fork, producing, preparing and marketing agricultural and food products, as well as providing goods and services to farmers. The Group’s financial year begins on 1 July.


Consolidated unaudited financial statements and Consolidated management report of AB Akola Group for the half-year period ended 31 December 2024. gruodžio 31 d.

The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of AB Akola Group is convened

Half a year of AB Akola Group

Earnings call

Three months of AB Akola Group

Earnings call

Dividend Payment Procedure

Decisions of the Annual General Meeting of shareholders

The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of AB Akola Group is convened